1. The Club is to be known as ‘The Exeter British Motorcycle Club’.
2. The aim of the club is to foster, encourage and maintain an interest in British motorcycles; to provide technical assistance to its members, to meet one another and discuss motorcycling in a friendly atmosphere and finally to establish and maintain good relationships between motorcyclists and the general public.
3(a) The general business of the club is to be run by a committee consisting of the following: President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Runs coordinator, Membership Secretary, Technical Officer, Administrator, Welfare Officer, Prizes and Trophies Officer, Regalia Officer and Webmaster. The committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees must normally have been a member of the club for more than one year. The committee will meet a minimum of three times a year and at other times if required. Six members of the committee are required to be present to form a quorum. Decisions will be passed by a ‘majority’ vote.
3(b) The club may have an Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Webmaster and an Assistant Runs Organiser. They will not be members of the club committee but will be invited to club committee meetings as ‘ex officio’ as necessary.
3(c). Other club members may be co-opted to assist in a particular committee function. They will stand down after the function has been completed.
4. The committee will discuss the annual membership fee and the outcome forwarded as a proposal to the AGM.
5. Voting rights at ‘club’ meetings will be applicable to ‘paid up’ members only. Decisions will be passed by a ‘majority’ vote.
6. New and renewing members are accepted into the club at the discretion of the committee.
7. Membership fees are to be paid annually to the Membership Secretary by the end of April each year. Members joining after 31 August will pay one and a half times the annual membership fee to cover the remainder of the membership year and the whole of the next year. New members will pay a joining fee of £2.00 in addition to the membership fee. Any member who does not renew their membership by 30 April and wishes to remain a member, will be required to pay a renewal fee of £2.00 in addition to the annual fee and will not receive club publications until the fees are paid.
8. Prospective members are allowed to attend two club meetings before having to apply for membership. Prospective members may also attend two Club runs. (This includes taking part in listed Tuesday and Sunday runs, also other club organised runs including non listed Sunday runs). It is the duty of club members attending the runs to ensure this rule is applied and report to committee details of any persons attending more than two runs.
9. Associate membership for spouses and/or partners is included in the sponsor ‘s membership.
10. Club meetings will normally be held on the second Tuesday in each month, commencing at 8.00pm, at a venue to be decided by the committee.
11. There will be no smoking while club meetings are in progress.
12. Members may advertise motorcycles and motorcycle related equipment on the club website and in the notices section of club minutes at the discretion of the club committee.
13. Club bank/building society accounts are to be named ‘Exeter British Motorcycle Club’. All club cheques and building society withdrawals will only be made valid with the signatures of two committee members nominated by the club committee.
14. Expenditure on behalf of the club must be approved by the committee.
15. The club financial account is to be submitted for audit to the committee, prior to each AGM and at any other times if considered necessary.
16. The Treasurer is to submit a statement of the club’s accounts balances to all committee meetings.
17. The Annual General Meeting is to be held in March each year, normally on the second Tuesday.
18. The Runs Coordinator will plan weekly club runs to commence on the first Tuesday in April and ending on the last Tuesday in September each year and submit written details for distribution to all club members. On occasions it may be necessary for the Organiser to enlist assistance from a non-committee club member. If any member has any ideas for runs, they should discuss these with the Runs Organiser.
19. Any member participating in all club runs must be ‘Road Legal’, abide by the rules of the Current Highway Code and all relevant road safety legislation.
20. The question of what is considered a suitable motorcycle for club members is a very critical and sensitive issue. This club has been formed on the basis that members support British motorcycles. This means that when representing the club on runs and rallies, only British motorcycles will be accepted. The committee will decide on what qualifies as a British Motorcycle.
21. The club may have a President who shall be elected annually, by the members, at an AGM. The President may attend committee meetings as a right and will be entitled to a vote. In the election of President Rule 25 is to be strictly obeyed.
22. The committee shall have the power to expel any member, with loss of any membership fee already paid, for any conduct considered to be prejudicial to the good name of the club.
23. In the event of the club ceasing to operate for any particular reason, all remaining assets, if any, are to be disposed of equally amongst the paid up members.
24(a) The club is to maintain Public Liability Insurance.
24(b) The club is not responsible for any damage, injury or loss caused by the acts or omissions of any member or visitor.
24(c) Data Protection – The basic rule of the data protection act implies that any person or organisation that holds information, especially personal details of any nature, regarding an individual or individuals is liable to to protect that information and when it is not required, the information should be destroyed. The information must always be kept secure and only passed on to another organisation or individual with the owners permission. This rule is relevant to all club members, but especially to club committee members, co-opted members and ex officio committee members who hold club membership details. (Full details of the act will be published annually and a reminder mentioned at each club committee meeting).
25. Any proposed changes to these rules or items to be discussed and voted on at the AGM, must be forwarded to the Secretary at least one calendar month prior to the AGM for inclusion in the agenda.
Exceptionally, if considered necessary, changes to these rules may be made at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of club members.
Adopted on 10 March 2020